MUBC Newsletter 31 July

Published Fri 31 Jul 2020

Dear MUBC,


We welcome into the world George Robert McGauran Adams, born 27 July. A son for long time MUBC members Monica McGauran and James Adams. Congratulations Monica and James, a beautiful time for you both.


While the past months have seen restrictions to rowing and closures of the Boathouse I wanted to give members a snapshot of what has been happening in and around MUBC.

Government Business Support Packages

MUBC has been able to access substantial support from the State and Federal Government’s Business Support packages of Cash Flow Booster, Job Keeper, Community Sport Sector Survival Survival package, Business Support Extension program and Upskill My Business. These programs have provided vital support to our club over these past months and will continue to do so.

Holiday Program

During the school holiday period when rowing was allowed our coaches led by Matt Ryan held a very well attended Year 12 Holiday program which has already delivered seven new members to MUBC. Well done to all involved in delivering a high quality program and introducing young athletes to our great club.

University Rowing

Our University Rowing program has gained traction with students direct from the Uni training under the guidance of Australian U/23 representative Alex Clarke. I am delighted with the enthusiasm shown by all participants and believe this program will continue to grow.

New Boats

MUBC has recently taken delivery of two late model 1X from the VIS-program and we expect to take delivery of two new Filippi pairs in August. This brings a total of nine additional boats this year to our programs providing our athletes and coaches with fantastic support. We offer our sincerest thanks to the MUBC Foundation, Melbourne University Sport and donating members for contributing to make these fleet upgrades possible.  

New Coach

MUBC welcomes Ed Fuller as Assistant Coach to our lead Mitch Nelson for the Women’s Youth Development squad. Ed is well known in Melbourne Rowing circles and is currently studying his Masters of High Performance sport. 

Boat Maintenance

The lockdown has presented a great opportunity for skill upgrading and general boat maintenance and reconditioning as well as the reorganization of the shed. I’m told our boats are looking better than ever! To stay on top of things I ask all members to use the Whiteboard in the Annex Bay to notify any boat maintenance issues for quick rectification.    

Australian Boat Race

Planning for this year’s Australian Boat Race between the University of Melbourne and Sydney University is underway although the event is not confirmed. No lack of enthusiasm from Melbourne as both Men’s and Women’s squads are over-subscribed.

Head of the Yarra

Entries have opened for the Head of the Yarra, scheduled for Saturday November 28 although the event is not confirmed. Please be aware HOTY organisers have advised a No Refunds policy will apply if the event is cancelled after entries close on October 16 or when the crew limit of 270 is reached.


On a personal note I wish to thank those members who have dropped me a line or made a phone call to keep in touch during lockdown. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

See you on the water, soon.


